Asian Women's Resource Centre

Project Title:Ascent Ending Harmful Practices project
Total London Councils Grant:£1,280,000
Funding period:01 April 2017 to 31 March 2021
Priority:Tackling Sexual and Domestic Violence
Service area:2.6 Specifically targeted services for those affected by harmful practices (FGM, Honour based violence (HBV), forced marriage and other harmful practices)


The partnership will provide intensive support to women and girls from BMER communities, across London affected by Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), 'Honour' Based Violence (HBV), Forced Marriages (FM), and other harmful practices within the spectrum of domestic and sexual violence, annually.

Activities will include: 1) 1:1 advice and information on rights and entitlements: 2) casework and advocacy support which will include accompanying women to report crimes of violence to the police and housing departments, as well as accompanying women to court and advocating their needs to social services 3) therapeutic support groups and a counselling provision to 66 women 4) raising awareness of the impact of HBV, FM and FGM within communities and other voluntary and statutory agencies (not only BMER communities) through delivering workshops, training and presentations and 5) specific work with young women through the delivery of workshops to support peer mentoring and youth advocacy.

These activities aim to improve service usersÂ’ safety, self-esteem, confidence and wellbeing, as well as improving understanding of rights and options and uptake of other services in the domains of criminal justice, health, housing and employment training.

Referral route

Sarbji Ganger

Email: or call 0208 961 6549

Asian WomenÂ’s Resource Centre

Referral routes:


0208 961 6549

0208 961 5701

Borough benefits


  • Asian Women's Resource Centre
  • Ashiana Network
  • Latin American Women's Rights Service
  • IMECE Womens Centre
  • Southall Black Sisters Trust
  • Women and Girls Network
  • DVIP